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You have 

to know!!!

One of the big probelems from artists Central Kalimantan is the uneven progress of the economic part so that it can position its citizen (sub-dayak) at Kalimantan, and  untill now the problem always faced namely the lack of knowledge and lack of awareness to dare to compete in the field of this industry is the part that became the source of regional inequality in acentral kalimantan although with the wealth of natural resources potential and society extraordinary large, and then Right Now Is Our Time To Developing, Advancing by Hand to Hand.


The custom of weaving is a culture passed down from our ancestors which has a sacred meaning and is full of expressions of feelings, emotions, experiences and events in the civilized life of the Dayak tribe. living in proximity and dependence on rainforests, but on the other hand little is known about their sophisticated expertise using natural materials such as "thick" rattan, pandan leaves, bamboo. It is behind these pieces of art that we hope to synergize and build across sources. human resources with natural resources.


Meet The Team


Muh Sauqi



Hudoq Mask n Iban Motif ARTWORK.PNG.png


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